Testpics. 16:9 + LUTs



How to take Cinematic photos teemu.jpeg

Shooting Cinematic Footage – För video men funkar för foto

8 tips to give your photos an authentic, cinematic feel

The Cinematic Look – How To Make Your Photographs Look Like Films

Getting The Cinematic Street Photography Look

The Cinematic Look – How To Make Your Photographs Look Like Films – F Stoppers

Rules of Shot Composition in Film

Anamorphic photography. – Margaret Kurniawan & Shane Dresch // Adobe

Alex Prager (born November 1, 1979) is an American art photographer and filmmaker based in Los Angeles. Her photographs primarily use staged actors, models and extras to create “meticulously designed mise en scène”,often described as film-like and hyperreal.[2] Prager’s growing filmography expands the fictive realities of her still works, touching upon themes of alienation and the pluralism of modern life.


Hehe:) Nice inbyggd widescreen mode i kameran. Hittade inte riktigt den rätta filmlooken men iaf. Kan bli användbart nån gång.
Aspect ratio: 16:9
ON1 borders: simple/letterbox
Font: Acumin pro

LUT is the short form of «Look Up Table» and is basically a preset which can change the color settings of photos and videos. Usually they are used for video footage, but by using Photoshop, you can also apply LUTS to your images.

A Look Up Table, or LUT, is essentially a digital file that transforms the color and tone of your image. It essential can convert colors and details in a source file to a new destination state. For example, you can use a LUT to convert a modern digital photo to the color and tone of an older film stock. Or perhaps to convert between a color image to an aged black and white treatment.
A LUT essentially transforms tone and color based upon settings chosen by the creator of the LUT. Each RGB combination of color has a new value assigned.