Snabbtest så inte bästa resultatet xD Skulle bara kolla hur man meckar ihop det hela. Kräver lite finslip….
Resultatet inte heller så värst oljemålning. Lite blandning av ditt & datt.

This effect is created with the help of Smart Objects. In order to edit the file, you need to place your graphics in Smart Layers from the “Edit Content” folder (marked with green). You can switch the “color1-3” folders for applying different versions of the effect.

En annan variant:

A photographer focused on urban streets and cityscapes.

“Recently I’ve really been asking myself one question over and over; why is it that I like the photos that I like? Both in the cases of looking at other people’s work or in my own stuff. After some thought, I’ve come up with the 3 main ingredients that make a street photo good, at least in my opinion. It may be a weird way to put it but bear with me; I have a theory that if one were to craft an algorithm that judges photos, they would like be using some combination of these 3 elements. The 3 ingredients are: Aesthetics, Story and Feeling.”
-Teemu Jarvinen-