Hajdu Tamas – Romania
“Romanian photographer Hajdu Tamas knows that the towns and villages in his fatherland are often soaked in greyish melancholy, but he also knows how to catch their bright moments as well.”
“Romanian photographer Hajdu Tamas knows that the towns and villages in his fatherland are often soaked in greyish melancholy, but he also knows how to catch their bright moments as well.”
Maarten Rots (Aalten, 1982) is a Dutch artist working with photography as a medium. His photographs reveal abstract qualities that can be found in everyday life, often with architecture as a prominent ingredient and a strong focus on composition, texture and color.
Alex Prager (born November 1, 1979) is an American art photographer and filmmaker based in Los Angeles. Her photographs primarily use staged actors, models and extras to create “meticulously designed mise en scène”,often described as film-like and hyperreal.[2] Prager’s growing filmography expands the fictive realities of her still works, touching upon themes of alienation and the pluralism of modern life.
Joshua K. Jackson / Adobe UK
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